" The fire kept enlarging its orbit, rolling about like some huge monster, destroying everything it touched,
its track marked by charred timber, embers and ashes, cries and lamentations. Not content with dashing along
the ground , it ran up the highest trees and the flames leaped in monkey fashion from tree to tree. "
Source: Melbourne Herald February 1883 The Black Thursday of Port Phillip by Garryowen, An Eye - Witness
The largest Australian bushfire in European-recorded history that burnt an area of approximately 5 million ha. which covered a quarter of Victoria.
Source: 1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 2004
Select an article on this page.
1: Historical account of " Black Thursday " 1851.
2: Damage incurred during the four days of the bushfire.
3: Excerpts from the Melbourne "Argus" Newspaper 1851.
4: Glowing embers land on ships 20 miles out to sea.
5: Day turns into night in Gippsland.
6: Mount Macedon and the ranges were one sheet of flame.
7: Black Thursday. Disaster Recalled. Argus Newspaper 1926.
8: Personal Recollections of Early Melbourne and Victoria. 1851.
" The country from the Murray
to the sea was brown with desiccated
herbage, and forests charged with
resinous matter baked to the verge of
It wanted but some
slightly careless act of man to set in
motion a devastating fury against which
no human intervention could stand. "
Source: History of the Colony of Victoria ( Vol.1 ) Mr Henry Gyles Turner 1797-1854
Descriptive account of " Black Thursday " 1851
" The year 1850 had been one of exceptional heat and drought.
Pastures had withered; creeks had become fissured clay-pans; water-holes had
disappeared; sheep and cattle had perished in great numbers, and the sun-burnt plains were strewn with their bleached skeletons; the very leaves upon the trees crackled in the heat, and appeared to
be as inflammable as tinder.
As the summer advanced, the temperature became torrid, and on the morning of the 6th of February, 1851, the air which blew down from the north resembled the breath of a furnace. A fierce wind arose, gathering strength and velocity from hour to hour, until about noon it blew with the violence of a tornado.
By some inexplicable means it wrapped the whole country in a sheet of flame —fierce, awful, and irresistible. Men, women and children, sheep and cattle, birds and snakes, fled before the fire in a common panic. The air was darkened by volumes of smoke, relieved by showers of sparks; the forests were ablaze, and, on the ranges, the conflagration transformed their wooded slopes into appalling masses of incandescent columns and arches.
Farm houses, fences, crops, orchards, gardens, haystacks, bridges, wool-sheds, were swept away by the impetuous on-rush of the flames, which left behind them nothing but a charred heap of ruins, and a scene of pitiable desolation. The human fugitives fled to water, wherever it could be found, and stood in it, breathing with difficulty the suffocating atmosphere, and listening with awe to the roar of the elements and the cries of the affrighted animals.
Many lives were lost, and the value of the property and live stock destroyed on "Black Thursday " can only be vaguely conjectured. Late in the evening a strong sea-breeze began to blow, driving back the heavy pall of smoke that had deepened the darkness of the night, and the next day dawned upon blackened homesteads, smouldering forests, charred carcasses of sheep, oxen, horses, poultry and wild animals, and the face of the country presented such an aspect of ruin and devastation as could never be effaced from the recollection of those who had witnessed and survived the calamity. "
Historical data extracted from: "Picturesque Atlas of Australasia" a three-volume geographic encyclopaedia of
Australia and New Zealand compiled and published in 1886. Descriptive Sketch of Victoria
Read article at Museum Victoria: " Recurring History of Bushfires in Victoria "
Fires covered a quarter of what is now Victoria.
This spans approximately 5 million hectares.The areas affected include Portland, Plenty
Ranges, Westernport, the Wimmera and Dandenong districts. Approximately 12 lives, one million sheep and
thousands of cattle were lost.
After five weeks of hot northerly winds, on the 6th of February,1851 known as Black Thursday, probably Victoria's most
extensive bushfires, apparently started in the Plenty Ranges when two bullock drivers left some logs burning
which set fire to long, drought-parched grass.
From an early hour in the morning a hot wind blew from the NNW,
accompanied by 47C temperatures in Melbourne.
There was extensive damage in Victoria's Port Phillip district.
Huge areas of southern and NE Vic were burnt out.
Fires burnt from Mt Gambier in South Australia to Portland in Victoria
as well as the Wimmera in the north and central and southern areas including Semour, the Plenty Ranges and
much of Gippsland , Westernport, Geelong, Heidelberg and east to Diamond Creek and Dandenong where a number
of settlements were destroyed.
There were 1.5m ha of forest burnt out plus vast areas of scrub and grasslands (total land burnt - approx 5m ha
[DNRE,Vic]). Farmers at Barrabool Hills were burnt out or ruined; three men perished at Mt Macedon and
wholesale destruction of the Dandenong districts was accompanied by similar widespread razings from Gippsland
to the Murray (River). Other scorched areas included Omeo, Mansfield, Dromana, Yarra Glen, Warburton and Erica.
Colonial News.
We have received Port Phillip papers to the
11th February.
The whole province had suffered from fearfully destructive bush fires, which raged worst
on Thursday, the 6th, assisted by a furious hot
wind (it was also a hot-wind day in the Hunter
Vast numbers of sheep, cattle, and
horses had been destroyed, and the loss in grain
of all kinds, principally wheat, is counted by
thousands of bushels ; inquests had also been
held on the bodies of nine persons up to the
9th February, and several more were missing
and reported dead.
The papers are filled with
the particulars, but report that it is impossible
to give any accurate account of the losses.
of the inquests was particularly melancholy:
the station of a stockholder named M'Lelland
was completely destroyed on the 6th, and close
to his house perished his wife and five children,
while he himself was so fearfully burnt in trying to save one of the children that his recovery
was very doubtful.
A public meeting had been
announced for the 11th at Geelong, to commence a public subscription for the numerous
sufferers, numbers of whom were reduced to
absolute want who the day before had been
comfortable graziers and farmers.
THE WEATHER. ( from the Melbourne "Argus" Newspaper Feb. 8.1851 )
" Thursday was one of the most
oppressive hot-days we have experienced for some years.
In the early morning the atmosphere was perfectly
scorching, and at eleven o'clock the thermometer stood
as high as 117 degrees ( 47.2 Celsius ) in the shade; at one o'clock it had fallen
to 109 degrees and at four in the afternoon was up to 113 degrees.( 45 Celsius )
The blasts of air were so impregnated with smoke and
heat, that the lungs seemed absolutely to collapse
under their withering influence; the murkiness of the
atmosphere was so great that the roads were actually
bright by contrast.
The usual unpleasantness of hot
wind was considerably aggravated by the existence of
extensive bush fires to the northward, said by some to
have an extent of 40 or 50 miles.
In the evening,
after an hour's battle for the supremacy, the cool
breeze came down, sweeping away the pestilential exhalation of the day, and bringing in its train a light and refreshing rain; for a considerable time yesterday,
the parched earth greedily absorbed it as it fell, but a day's continuance of such very seasonable weather will do no more than cool the surface.-Argus. Feb. 8. ( 1851 ) "
VAN DIEMEN'S LAND ( Tasmania )
We have received Van Diemen's Land papers
to the 8th February.
Thursday, the 6th February, was, it appears,
as remarkably hot and oppressive as it was in
Port Phillip and this colony.
THE WEATHER. ( from "The Launceston Examiner" Feb. 8.1851 )
A most remarkable meteoric phenomenon occurred on Thursday last, which will be long remembered.
The morning opened fine, but gave
strong indications that the day would be sultry. Between twelve and five o'clock, the heat was oppressive:
the inferior animals felt it to be so, and eagerly sought
shaded places-even the poultry drooped their wings,
and gasped for breath.
At two p.m. the thermometer
stood at 92 degrees in the shade, and 130 degrees in the sun. At about
four o'clock a dense and murky mist, resembling a
combination of smoke and fog, gathered all round the
town and completely obscured the sun.
The appearance of the atmosphere was most remarkable.
retreating sun shining behind the vapour, imparted a
lurid glare resembling the light reflected from polished
The timid and superstitious anxiously enquired
if similar appearances had been before observed; some
mentioned the similarity of the phenomena which preceded the dreadful earthquake at Lisbon.
The evening
was followed by a fearfully dark night, but fortunately
at about one o'clock on Friday morning a breeze sprung
up, accompanied by a slight shower of rain, which
cooled the atmosphere delightfully.
The remarkable
weather experienced on this side the island on Thursday last, terminated in a violent storm on the south.
During a squall a whaleboat was upset below Sandy
Bay, and two men were drowned.
L. Examiner, 8th
February (1851) The Launceston Examiner "
Source: The Maitland Mercury, and Hunter River General Advertiser Saturday 22 February 1851
BLACK THURSDAY. By Edward C. O. Howard.
" ..... At sea the
weather was even more fearful than on
Twenty miles out the heat was
so intense that every soul on board was
struck almost powerless, as reported by
Captain Reynolds.
A sort of whirlwind
in the afternoon struck his vessel, and
carried the topsail clean out of the bolt
Flakes of fire were at the time
flying thick all round the ship from the
shore, while the air was filled with cinders
and dust, which fell in layers on the
vessel's deck.
Fortunately the wind
moderated about 2 o'clock, and further
apprehension passed away. ...... "
Source: Argus Newspaper (Melbourne, Vic.) Saturday 28 June 1924
BLACK THURSDAY. Darkness in Gippsland
" If this had not been verified by ocular evidence it would be incredible.
We allude to a total darkness which overspread the whole of Gippsland, and literally changed day into night.
This darkness, according to the accounts which we have received of it, began to be perceived about one o'clock
in the afternoon, and gradually increased until it became so intense as to hide from sight even the nearest
objects. Settlers were obliged to feel their way from their out-houses to their huts.
One gentleman told us that in unsaddling his horse he actually could not see the animal while he was standing
close beside it. ......
For the smoke - which, carried by the north winds from the burning forests on the ranges
over the plains below, totally intercepted the sun's light- was so high as scarcely to be perceived by the smell,
and to produce none of that suffocating sensation which might have been expected ; and hence few conjectured
the real cause of the sudden darkness in which they were enveloped."
" Some of the Gippsland aborigines, who had acquired a small smattering of the English vocabulary from their intercourse with white men, accounted for the physical phenomenon in a very matter of fact
way, by sagely wagging their curly heads and declaring that " bright fellow ( pointing to the sun ) had got the blight in his eye, "
It appears that the obfuscation of the sun by
smoke from distant bushfires was regarded as a natural phenomenon by the Australian aborigines,
but some of the early European settlers of Gippsland at first believed that this darkness was caused by an unearthly aberration.
The following morning the sun rose in unclouded brightness and the terrors of the preceding day were dissipated,
whilst in the distant ranges,
" The fire kept enlarging its orbit, rolling about like some huge monster, destroying everything it touched,
its track marked by charred timber, embers and ashes, cries and lamentations.
Not content with dashing along
the ground , it ran up the highest trees and the flames leaped in monkey fashion from tree to tree.
The scrub and brushwood would be ignited as if by the wind. which acted as an avant coureur in piloting the
course of the greater flame."
Source: From the "Melbourne Herald" Newspaper February 1883
The Black Thursday of Port Phillip by Garryowen, An Eye - Witness
A correspondent of The Argus, writing from Mount Macedon on February 8th, says:-" I write in the midst
of desolation. Thursday morning was ushered in by a fierce hot wind, which, as the day advanced grew stronger
and stronger. For three weeks bush fires had been raging to the westward and northward of the Bush Inn.
About midday, the whole of Mount Macedon and the ranges were one sheet of flame. careering on at the speed
of a racehorse, carrying all before it clean as a chimney newly swept. "
Source: From the "The Argus" Newspaper February 8th 1851
" Although not so widespread the
disastrous fires of last Sunday will be
as memorable as those on "Black
Thursday," for so long regarded as
the most terrible day in the history of
the State.
Within a few days the events are just 75 years apart. While the destruction of "Black Thursday" far exceeded that of Sunday, the loss of life was nominal compared with the terrible results of the recent outbreak.
Some of the older citizens can still remember "Black Thursday" but it is of interest at this juncture to reproduce the account of the disaster given by the late Mr Henry Gyles Turner in his "History of the Colony of Victoria "
In the first volume of his history, Mr
Turner writes, after referring to destructive
floods,-There was however, one day
in 1851, when another and even more destructive element wrought such appalling
havoc throughout the land that for a
generation afterwards it could scarcely be
spoken of without a shudder.
The anniversary of the 6th of February,
1851 has been perpetuated in Australian almanacs under the name of
"Black Thursday," a day whose lurid horrors have been chronicled by many writers
and depicted by more than one painter.
The summer had been one of exceptional
heat and drought.
The country from the Murray
to the sea was brown with desiccated
herbage, and forests charged with
resinous matter baked to the verge of
conflagration. It wanted but some
slightly careless act of man to set in
motion a devastating fury against which
no human intervention could stand.
It will probably never be known exactly
how or where the fires originated. The
belief at the time was that they were due
to the carelessness of some bullock drivers in leaving an unextinguished camp
fire lit at the foot of the Plenty Ranges.
It is
true that the Plenty district appeared to
have suffered most severely, but this may
be ascribed to its being comparatively
thickly settled : to scores of well tilled
farms and cheerful homesteads being
changed in one short day into an area of
charred desolation.
But the raging flames
almost simultaneously covered the country
round Westernport Bay; through the
giant forests of Dandenong, across the intervening hills around to Mount Macedon,
over the baked plains of the Wimmera, and on the farm homesteads that studded
the Barrabool hills a roaring, tossing sea of fire licked up all before it
From the dense timber of the Black
Forest the flames swept the Loddon district, crossed the Pyrenees, and raged for
six days through the Western district, carrying destruction and dismay right
over the South Australian border to Mount Gambier.
With the exception of one terrible
holocaust, in which a settler on the Diamond Creek lost his wife and five
children, in addition to all his worldly possessions, the
destruction of human life was far less than
might have been expected. Only three or
four deaths were reported at the time besides those referred to, but some
occurred from the after effects of the shock, and a large number of people were
maimed and injured by fire and exposure in a manner that affected them for
When men saw the flames threatening to consume the produce of their
long toil many gallant efforts were made to beat them back, but it was soon
apparent that before the roaring blasts such attempts only tended to reduce
the prospect of individual escape.
Flight was the only chance, and even that,
on foot was a doubtful resource, for, where
the fuel was abundant the flames travelled
at a rate that overtook and consumed the
flying stock at their maddest gallop.
horse that could be obtained and mounted
under such conditions of panic carried some distracted settler or his family at
topmost speed towards some bald hill or other fancied point of refuge. Those
who could not command such aid fled to the nearest creek or water hole, and,
plunging in, passed long hours of agonised suspense while the
fiery tide rolled over them.
When at
length it was safe to crawl forth from their
sanctuary it was to find homes, furniture,
farm equipment, crops, barns, and fences
all disappeared, their live stock roasted or
dispersed, and the hard battle of life to
begin all over again.
For practically there
was no insurance in those days and the
dread visitation of 'Black Thursday"
brought many stalwart workers to the verge of ruin, and left a haunting sense
of danger which drove numbers of the settlers into the towns to labour al less
congenial, but also less risky avocations.
The only considerable portion of the country which did not suffer was the
interior of Gippsland, where the plains had retained their green mantle,
and the rivers
gave such an abundant supply of water.
But even here the black clouds of smoke
from the surrounding ranges covered the
land with a denser pall than a total eclipse,
and greatly alarmed the settlers in the belief that some mysterious convulsion of
nature was about to overtake them.
In Melbourne the day opened with a
scorching north wind and an unclouded sky.
Under the influence of the fierce sirocco the city was soon enveloped in
blinding dust, and by 11 o'clock the thermometer marked 117 degrees
( 47.2 Celsius ) in the
By midday, rolling volumes of smoke began to converge on the city,
and outdoor life became intolerable. The streets were almost deserted, a
dull sense of suffocation oppressed even
those who cowered in the coolest recesses
of their homes, and anxiously asked what
it meant. Fortunately no fires broke out
near the city, for had it once done so, in
all probability the whole place would have
With sunset came a change of wind to the south, and anxious crowds gathered towards nightfall on the summits of Batman's Hill and the Flagstaff Reserve to note with awe and wonder the red glare that marked the Dandenong Ranges and illuminated the whole of the northern horizon.
The change of wind relieved them from
all fear for the city, but it was not until
two or three days later that the extent of
the devastation became even approximately known.
The heaviest losses of stock fell upon the squatters, who, as a rule, were best
able to bear them; but there were scores of cases of struggling farmers
reduced to destitution, for whom the sympathies of the citizens went out,
and a relief committee was promptly organised, which collected something
more than 3000 pounds to meet urgent cases of distress. "
Source: Argus Newspaper ( Melbourne, Vic.) Saturday 20 February 1926
February - March 1926
Forest fires burnt across large areas of Gippsland throughout February and into early March. Sixty lives were lost in addition to
widespread damage to farms, homes and forests. The fires came to a head on February 14, with 31 deaths recorded at Warburton. Other areas affected include Noojee, Kinglake, Erica, and the Dandenong
Ranges. Widespread fires also occurred across other eastern states.
Melbourne Victoria 1851 Black Thursday
" The year 1851 had for us three memorable events: first,
"Black Thursday," on 6th February; second, the elevation of Port Phillip district into the colony of Victoria, on 1st July; third, the discovery of gold, which was practically and substantially that
of Ballarat, during the third week of September.
Black Thursday has been so much written about by others that I had best confine myself to my own experiences. I rode in to business, as usual, from my Merri Creek residence, 4 1/2 miles north of the
city. The weather had been unusually dry for some days with the hot wind from the north-west, or the direction of what we called Sturt's Desert, where hot winds in summer, and almost as distinctly
cold winds in midwinter, were manufactured for us.
The heat had been increasing daily, and this, as we comforted ourselves, was surely the climax which was to bring the inevitable reversion of the southerly blast and the restoring rain, for it was
felt as the hottest day in my recollection.
In town we did not hear of much that day, although reports came from time to time of sinister-looking signs from the surrounding interior, whence an unusual haze or thick mist seemed to rise towards
the cloudless sky.
Some few, however, who were more active than others in their trading or gossiping movements, became aware in the afternoon, or perhaps were favoured with the news as a secret, that Dr. Thomson had
ridden posthaste from Geelong to Alison and Knight, our early and leading millers and flour factors, to warn them that the whole country was in flames, with incalculable destruction of cereals and
other products; whereupon the said firm at once raised the price of flour thirty per cent.
The Doctor had certainly earned a good fee on that occasion, and we must hope that he got it.
I returned home as usual after the day's work. Nothing to alarm us had even made a near approach to Melbourne, as our trees were too park-like in their wide scatter, and our grass too much cropped
off by hungry quadrupeds, to expose us to any danger.
But feeling unusual oppression from the singularly close heat, for I was attired in woollen clothing, not greatly under the winter woollen standard, and which, by the way, serves to confirm that our
dry Australian clime is not to be measured in effect, like most others, by mere height of the thermometer, I proceeded to indulge myself, for the first time in my life, I think, with a second
"refresher" of my shower-bath.
Next morning accounts began to pour in from all quarters of an awful havoc, in which, sad to say, life to no small extent was lost, as well as very much property.
There has never been, throughout Australia, either before or since, such a day as Victoria's Black Thursday, and most likely, or rather most certainly, it will never, to its frightful extent, occur
again; for every year, with the spread of occupation, brings its step in the accumulation of protectives.
Still these fires are a terrible and frequent evil, and even if the towns and settlements are safe, the destruction of the grand old forests is deplorable, and ere very many years will be, indeed,
most sadly deplored.
What between the unchecked clearances of the fires, and the unchecked clearances on the part of the colonists, I fear that those noble gum trees, the greatest and loftiest trees probably in the
world, so graphically described by Mr. Froude in his recent Australian tour, will have but a poor chance.
He describes also, with equal life, those dangerous forest fires, which are so especially frequent during the ever-recurring ordeals of drought, of which he had a fair sample at the time of his
visit. Only think of eight miles of forest burnt in one fire which he witnessed, and such fires frequent occurrences! "
Source and reference:
Historical data exrtacted from: Personal Recollections of Early Melbourne and Victoria
Author: William Westgarth 1815 - 1889
Title Image Source: Black Thursday, February, 1851.
Wood engraving published in the Supplement to the Illustrated Australian news.
# Publisher: Melbourne : David Syme and Co.
# Date(s): August 1, 1888
Source: State Library of Victoria:http://guides.slv.vic.gov.au/content.php?pid=36394&sid=267988
Colour image courtesy of the National Library of Australia.
Further Reading:
Museum Victoria: Recurring History of Bushfires in Victoria
This article cited in the book: A Brief History of Australia. Barbara A. West, Frances T. Murphy Infobase Publishing, 2010