Courtesy Australian Bureau of Meteorology |
Facts about UV Radiation
- The sun emits UVA, UVB and UVC radiation. The ozone layer blocks all UVC radiation.
- UVA penetrates deep into the skin causing damage like wrinkles and discolouration.
- Exposure to UVB causes sunburn. Sunburn, whether severe or mild, can cause permanent skin damage.
- Skin cancer is a disease of the body’s skin cells caused mainly by overexposure to UV radiation.
- Heat or high temperatures are not an indication of UV levels.
- Factors such as latitude, ozone, cloud, reflection from surfaces, time of year and time of day determine UV levels.
- UV levels vary in intensity and level across Australia on any given day.
- When the UV Index reaches 3, sensible sun protection is warranted and is unlikely to put people at risk of Vitamin D deficiency.
- For more information about being sun smart, visit SunSmart: www.sunsmart.com.au
- For more information about the graph , visit:
Australian Bureau of Meteorology