Romsey Australia

Revised Wind Chill Calculator

Enter a temperature and wind speed that you would like to calculate:
What the temperature feels like to your body:
Air Temperature (T)
Fahrenheit Celsius
  ° Fahrenheit
Wind Speed (v)
mph knots m/s km/hr
  ° Celsius
Calculator Pre Set For Celsius - Km/hr
 Watts per Metre Squared

To use this calculator select the required parameters and enter the temperature and wind speed.

Note that the metric Wind Chill is only defined for temperatures in the range
- 45oC to +4.4 oC and wind speeds 5 to 100 km/hr.

Formula for metric wind chill calculation
Twind_chill = 13.12 + 0.6215*T - 11.37*(v0.16) + 0.3965*T*(v0.16)

Wind chill temperature is a measure of the combined cooling effect of wind and temperature.
As wind increases, heat is carried away from the body at a faster rate, driving down both the skin temperature (which can cause frostbite) and eventually the internal body temperature (which can kill).
The Wind Chill Temperature index is the measure of this relationship.

The wind chill index combines the temperature with the wind speed to indicate how cold it actually feels outside, particularly to unprotected skin exposed to the wind.

The earliest wind chill index was based on the research of Antarctic explorers Siple and Passel who first measured the combined impacts of varying wind speed and freezing temperatures in 1945. They did this by measuring heat loss from water as it froze in a plastic container suspended from a tall pole.

For over a year, there have been discussions between the National Weather Service and the Meteorological Services of Canada about updating the Wind Chill Temperature Index. During the Autumn of 2000, a special group consisting of the National Weather Service, the Meteorological Services of Canada and the International Society of Biometeorology evaluated the existing wind chill formula and made changes to improve it. The group's goal was to internationally upgrade and standardize the Wind Chill Temperature Index.

The new Wind Chill Temperature Index, by Randall Osczevski of DCIEM and Maurice Bluestein of Purdue University in Indiana, makes use of advances in science, technology and computer modelling to provide a more accurate,understandable and useful formula for estimating the dangers arising from winter winds and freezing temperatures. In addition, clinical trials were conducted and the results of those trials has been used to verify and improve the accuracy of the new formula.

Twelve volunteers (six men and six women) participated in the clinical trials.
These consisted in four walks, at 4.8 km/h, on a treadmill in a refrigerated wind tunnel at the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in Toronto, Canada: one walk at each of -10, 0 and +10 deg C, plus a "wet trial" at +10 deg C during which participants received, every 15 seconds, a light one-second splash of water in their faces. During each 90-minute walk, the volunteers were walking while facing a wind of 2 metres per second (m/s) for 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes at 5 m/s, and 30 minutes at 8 m/s (or about 4, 10 and 16 mph, respectively). Sensors were fixed to participants' forehead, cheeks, chin and nose, as well as to the inside of one cheek, to measure skin temperature and heat loss. The results from these trials were used to determine the various thresholds for frostbite, as seen on the new wind chill chart.

The new wind chill equation is now in use in both Canada and the United States. Therefore, there is now a consistent wind chill formula across North America.

The Wind Chill Temperature Index has been implemented in Canada and the United States, resulting in a consistent index provided to help the public protect itself against the dangers of frostbite and hypothermia.

Specifically, the new Wind Chill Temperature Index:

1: uses calculated wind speed at an average height of five feet (typical height of a human face) based on readings from the national standard height of 33 feet (typical height of an anemometer)

2: is based on the latest heat transfer theory, i.e., heat loss from the body to its surroundings, during cold and breezy/windy days;

3: is based on a human face model because this is the part of the human body most often exposed to the elements

4: uses a standard factor for skin tissue and assumes a no sunlight scenario.

Frostbite Threshold:
For the first time, the wind chill temperatures include specific threshold values that provide specific warning of time-to-frostbite at given levels of wind chill. For example, a temperature of 5 degrees Fahrenheit and a wind speed of 30 mph equal a wind chill of -19, which will produce frostbite in 30 minutes. The chart also shows how frostbite will occur sooner if the temperature is lower or the wind speed higher.

A simple experiment to better understand wind chill.
Turn on a fan and stand in front of it. You will feel colder because of the wind cooling your skin, but the temperature in the room has not changed. You cannot make the room any colder, no matter how high you turn up the fan. Just like outside, no matter how strong the wind blows, the temperature of the air outside does not change.
Dab some water on your skin and stand in front of the fan again. The wet skin should feel much colder. This demonstrates how important it is to stay dry when outdoors in cold and windy conditions.

This calculator is based upon the revised formula of August 2, 2001,which is available at

Estimating Wind Chill
Wind Speed (km/h)
What to Look for When Estimating Wind Speed
Temperature (°C)
10 Wind felt on face; wind vane begins to move. -3 -9 -15 -21 -27 -33 -39 -45 -51 -57
20 Small flags extended. -5 -12 -18 -24 -30 -37 -43 -49 -56 -62
30 Wind raises loose paper, large flags flap and small tree branches move. -6 -13 -20 -26 -33 -39 -45 -52 -59 -65
40 Small trees begin to sway and large flags extend and flap strongly. -7 -14 -21 -27 -34 -41 -48 -54 -61 -68
50 Large branches of trees move, telephone wires whistle and it is hard to use an umbrella. -8 -15 -22 -29 -35 -42 -49 -56 -63 -69
60 Trees bend and walking against the wind is hard. -9 -16 -23 -30 -36 -43 -50 -57 -64 -71


Wind Chill Hazards and What To Do
Wind Chill Risk of Frostbite Other Health
What to Do
0 to -9 Low
  • Slight increase in discomfort
  • Dress warmly
  • Stay dry
-10 to -27 Low
  • Uncomfortable
  • Risk of hypothermia if outside for long periods without adequate protection.
  • Dress in layers of warm clothing, with an outer layer that is wind-resistant.
  • Wear a hat, mittens or insulated gloves, a scarf and insulated, waterproof footwear.
  • Stay dry.
  • Keep active
-28 to -39 Risk: exposed skin can freeze in 10 to 30 minutes
  • Risk of frosnip or frostbite: Check face and extremities for numbness or whiteness.
  • Risk of hypothermia if outside for long periods without adequate clothing or shelter from wind and cold.
  • Dress in layers of warm clothing, with an outer layer that is wind-resistant
  • Cover exposed skin
  • Wear a hat, mittens or insulated gloves, a scarf, neck tube or face mask and insulated, waterproof footwear
  • Stay dry
  • Keep active
-40 to -47 High risk: exposed skin can freeze in 5 to 10 minutes*
  • High Risk of frostbite: Check face and extremities for numbness or whiteness.
  • Risk of hypothermia if outside for long periods without adequate clothing or shelter from wind and cold.
  • Dress in layers of warm clothing, with an outer layer that is wind-resistant.
  • Cover all exposed skin.
  • Wear a hat, mittens or insulated gloves, a scarf, neck tube or face mask and insulated, waterproof footwear.
  • Stay dry
  • Keep active.
-48 to -54 Very High risk: exposed skin can freeze in 2 to 5 minutes*
  • Very High Risk of frostbite: Check face and extremities frequently for numbness or whiteness.
  • Serious risk of hypothermia if outside for long periods without adequate clothing or shelter from wind and cold.
  • Be careful. Dress very warmly in layers of clothing, with an outer layer that is wind-resistant.
  • Cover all exposed skin
  • Wear a hat, mittens or insulated gloves, a scarf, neck tube or face mask and insulated, waterproof footwear.
  • Be ready to cut short or cancel outdoor activities.
  • Stay dry.
  • Keep active.
-55 and colder Extremely High risk: exposed skin can freeze in less than 2 minutes*
  • DANGER! Outdoor conditions are hazardous.
  • Stay indoors.

*In sustained winds over 50 km/h, frostbite can occur faster than indicated.
Source: Environment Canada.

Wind Chill Calculation Chart

Wind chill for temperatures from +5 to -20°C
Tair (°C)

V10 (km/h)
5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20
5 4 -2 -7 -13 -19 -24
10 3 -3 -9 -15 -21 -27
15 2 -4 -11 -17 -23 -29
20 1 -5 -12 -18 -24 -30
25 1 -6 -12 -19 -25 -32
30 0 -6 -13 -20 -26 -33
35 0 -7 -14 -20 -27 -33
40 -1 -7 -14 -21 -27 -34
45 -1 -8 -15 -21 -28 -35
50 -1 -8 -15 -22 -29 -35
55 -2 -8 -15 -22 -29 -36
60 -2 -9 -16 -23 -30 -36
65 -2 -9 -16 -23 -30 -37
70 -2 -9 -16 -23 -30 -37
75 -3 -10 -17 -24 -31 -38
80 -3 -10 -17 -24 -31 -38

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Wind Chill Calculator.  ( 8 pages )

by Romsey Australia
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License.


Revised December 2010
